JGitflow still alive?

During our development we are using the Gitflow process. (Some may prefer others, but this works well in the current situation). In order to do this we are using the JGitflow Maven plugin (developed by Atlassian)

If our software is ready to go out of the door, we make a release branch. This release branch is then filled with documentation with regards to the release (Jira tickets, git logs, build numbers, … pretty much everything to make it trackable inside the artifact).
From time to time the back merge of this release branch towards Develop would fail and cause us all kinds of trouble. By default the JGitflow Maven plugin tries to do a back merge and delete the branch. This was a behaviour we wanted to change.
So during my spare time (read nights) I decided it was time to do some nightly hacking. The result is a new maven option “backMergeToDevelop” that defaults to true but can be overridden.

I created the necessary tests to validate it works and created a pull request, however no follow up so far from Atlassian … Anybody from Atlassian reading this? Reach out to me so I can get this in the next release (if any is coming …?)

It seems there were no commits since 2015-09 …


ABUG 6 – Real World Git Workflows

bamboo 5

Tomorrow it’s ABUG-6. This time me and koen will be doing a short presentation on bamboo 5. I’m actually looking forward to it because I haven’t seen this user friendly deploy cycle in a build environment yet.

I’ve done my fear share of building pipelines in Jenkins and other CI environments. But I haven’t found a descent plugin / extension to do this.I have to say that the guys at Atlassian have taken an interesting approach. I for one like it. I still have to work some more with it.

However in other areas the competitors are still somewhat better, question off course is : Do you need those features or not.